Pipe smoking is a very particular activity is it not? I haven't given it too much thought but it occurs to me that it does seem to be a thing that mostly males do. I wonder why that is?
I thought that I was going to have to look elsewhere for an image to join in with Sepia Saturday (on a Monday) this week or opt out altogether as I've realised that I have a pretty limited photo collection and frequently come across photographs from other sources that are far more interesting than those I do have. Fortunately, though, this photo-on-a-postcard (date unknown - 1940's perhaps) of my great grandfather with - hoorah - a pipe, was sitting on the sideboard and fitted at least a part of the brief.
I don't know much about Harry, above, apart from the fact that he was devoted to his wife, Maude, who predeceased him. As a widower he lived with his daughter and two granddaughters in Cornwall. I remember my mum telling me that he was a lovely grandfather and that when she was little he used to pay her thruppence for darning the holes in his socks. The other detail I know about him is that on his daughter's marriage certificate his occupation is described as 'Gentleman'. What that means I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm quite drawn to his 'look' - the plus twos, thick walking socks, tie, jumper and tweed jacket - as it's quite distinctive.
There are quite a few sayings which refer to being a gentleman or the qualities of being gentlemanly - although I appreciate that the concept of both might seem a little out of date to some - but the following one seemed a fair one to quote: 'To be born a gentleman is an accident. To die a gentleman is an achievment.'
The navy reefer jacket & white jeans: spring style, made easy
[image: The navy reefer jacket & white jeans: spring style, made easy]
Pea coat or reefer jacket? Different title, same outerwear.
The post The navy re...
3 days ago